About GoStrong

GoStrong, is a strength training focused app designed to simplify the process of strength training.

It can help you comprehensively record your workouts and diet, and offer professional and efficient training plans and movement explanations.

Whether you are new to the gym or someone looking to advance, GoStrong can assist you in regularly tracking your progress, reviewing and finding breakthrough directions.

Through GoStrong, you can also gain access to the following training essentials:

  • Over 20 practical training plans: tailored for different stages and demographics, thousands of students have proven their effectiveness, helping you reach your goals more efficiently;
  • More than 50 targeted training courses: professional courses designed for different body parts, ensuring targeted training, precise stimulation for larger muscle groups, and comprehensive shaping of the ideal physique;
  • Over 500 detailed movement explanations: live-action videos, muscle animations, and text descriptions combined to elaborate on over 500 training movements, including multi-angle live-action demonstration videos in 4K, making learning and training easier!