Introduction to Strength Training

Due to the limited space, here we only list some basic knowledge for beginners in strength training. For more in-depth knowledge, please follow the "Lianjiu APP" WeChat official account, Douyin, and Xiaohongshu (same name across all platforms).

1. Why should we do strength training?

Strength training can not only enhance muscle strength and physical fitness, but it also helps to increase metabolic rate, improve posture, increase bone density, and reduce the risk of injuries.

It can also improve cardiovascular health, help with weight management, and even have a positive impact on mental health.

2. Do women need strength training?

Absolutely. Strength training is equally important for women.

It can help with shaping, increasing basal metabolic rate, and enhancing the health of bones and joints. Many women worry that strength training will make their bodies look "too muscular" and unsightly, but in fact, due to female hormones, it's much harder for women to develop large muscles as compared to men. Train with confidence!

3. Why should you keep a record of strength training?

Keeping a record of your training can help you track your progress and ensure that you're gradually increasing the intensity of your workouts (known as the "progressive overload" principle). This is key to ensuring continuous improvement and avoiding plateaus. Records also help analyze which training methods work and which need adjustment. This is also the initial intention behind creating "Lianjiu."

4. How long should a training session last? How many exercises should be done?

An effective strength training session usually lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour. Beginners can start with 5-8 exercises, covering the main muscle groups of the body. As you adapt and progress, you can adjust the training time and number of exercises based on your needs.

Of course, you can choose training programs created by our professional teaching and research team in "Lianjiu" and train correctly!

5. How to select the appropriate weight and sets for an exercise?

When choosing a weight, it should be heavy enough so that you are almost fatigued by the intended number of reps (such as 8-12), but you can maintain the correct posture. Advanced training methods and different goals will also affect the number of reps, and more training knowledge can be found by following the "Lianjiu APP" official account.

It's generally recommended for beginners to start with 3 sets and gradually increase to 4-5 sets. As time and experience accumulate, you can adjust the weight and sets according to your own needs and goals.

6. How many times a week should you train? How do you find a training plan that suits you?

For most people, training 3-4 times a week is an ideal frequency for strength training. Beginners can start with full-body workouts and, as they gain experience, consider more specialized split training plans.

7. The basic principle of muscle growth

The basic principle of muscle growth is to subject the muscles to stress that is above their normal level (progressive overload), which causes micro-damage to the muscle fibers. During rest periods, the body repairs these damages, making the muscles stronger and larger. This process requires adequate protein intake and recovery time to promote muscle repair and growth. Therefore, muscles do not grow in the gym, but rather during rest after a good workout.